Warrior Operational Medical Clinic
Services Provided
We provide primary medical care and readiness needs to most of the active duty non-flyer population*.
Active Duty Sick Call
- *Includes all non-flying Active Duty except 33rd MX units
- 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. & 1-2 p.m. daily**
- Sore throat, cold, cough, wart cryotherapy (follow-ups), suture/staple removal, injections ordered by provider (B-12, testosterone, DEPO), pregnancy test, UTI testing, battlefield acupuncture ordered by a provider, blood pressure checks ordered by a provider
- Special duty (SF, EOD, PRAP): If you are experiencing urgent symptoms not available for walk-in & there is no same day appointment available, call WOMC front desk at 850-885-1005
**Visit our
FAQ page to see closures on readiness training and family days, and federal holidays.
Important Information
- Patients do not need to call to schedule MHA or PHA appointments. WOMC staff will contact patient to schedule an appointment once their record is ready for completion.
- Patients can call 850-883-8138 to schedule pre- and post-deployment appointments.